Up to £10,000 to help kick start your business
Headed up by James Caan (ex Dragon) and backed by the Government, the Start Up Loan scheme offers mentoring and funding for new startups and businesses.
The scheme is available if your business is up to a year old – or indeed a new venture.
So if you’re aged between 18-30, and live and work in England, you could get a loan of up to £10,000.
So how can we help? The parent company of Flyerzone.co.uk (printing.com) is a delivery partner. That means they can help you put the finishing touches to your business plan and then sign off on a Government Start Up Loan.
Or if you’re already set, they can fast track your application and approve a Start Up Loan within a week.
To get started all you need to do is drop them an email at entrepreneurs@printing.com and tell them about your business idea.
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